Congratulations to the officers elected to serve Battle Ground Lodge No. 313 for 2021! Thank you to those who served the lodge throughout 2020 as well as those who served in years prior. Without you, we would not be here.
I would like to offer this prayer for the lodge as we look towards the future and continue to practice the art and philosophy of our gentle craft.
“Our Father, we lean heavily on our experiences and knowledge of the past with gratitude to You. We live at this moment of the present between the past and the future. May we be strong enough and wise enough not only to use what we have gained, but to plan and prepare boldly for tomorrow. We go forward in your name as those who have preceded us have done. Help us to implement our dreams of expanded service, greater love and more dedication to the spiritual concepts in Freemasonry. We move ahead confidently in Your name. Amen”